Friday, June 26, 2009

Practicum - End of Week 1

So today was the end of our first week in practicum, I was sad to leave the students, they were all so awesome! They were so good about participating in class and had a ton of fun with the games that we played! We even had a few of them who made pictures for us, they did these crazy drawings of our names, they are really artistic! At every break they would all be up at the blackboard drawing and writing out things, they were amazing! They also took a bunch of pictures with us today as well, I am glad that they liked us! I am nervous about next week though I will be teaching high school so it is going to be much different than middle school....oh well I am sure that it will go fine.

I am excited for tonight, I will be going out with a bunch of my collegues, we all like to hang out together on Friday nights it is a good end to the busy week. We all have fun and just chat, it is a good way to get to know one another, and just have fun!

This weekend I am planning on lesson planning and shopping. I will be going to Second Hand stores, which are like Goodwill or Savers in the states, so hopefully I can find something. There is a lot of them so I am sure I will be bound to find something. After shopping I will be going to lesson plan. I have the high school students next week so I think I am going to focus on Social and Cultural Issues for the we all know I love to study people and hopefully they will be interested in learning about people as well!!

Well that is all for today...the weather is hot, but not unbearable. I hope you all are doing well, I miss and love you all bunches!!!!

Until later
~Sarah B.

1 comment:

  1. Well Hello Ms. B!!! (andrew says hi too!)
    Hope you were successful in your shopping efforts. i did that this weekend too :) only at the mall. Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual sale you know :)
    Love you!
    Lizz & Andrew
