So this week was kind of interesting. It started off kind of rough, I always start off my week with the students in group 2. We have the students divided into two groups, group 2 consists of the kids that have a harder time learning and are generally a little bit more disruptive students. This does not extend to all group 2 students but it is a fairly common trait for the group. So on Mondays and Tuesdays I have Group 2. Monday was kind of rough, they didn't really listen very well, and I was kind of frustrated. Then Tuesday came, for some reason on Monday night I could not sleep at all, I did not fall asleep until after 2 and then tossed and turned all night until my alarm went off at 7. So I was not feeling 100% to begin with and then I had 4 classes which did not listen at all. I was getting so tired of saying listen, stop, don't talk to each other, raise your hands, have and various other things and I kind of cracked. I actually cried in front of a class, I held it together for the most part...but the tears definitely wanted to make an appearance. Then my counterpart came in and I started to cry and then some other teachers saw me cry so now they think that I hate it here...which is not true...because I do like it here in Trusesti and in just got to me and I needed to have a minor breakdown. Well then the week went on and it got better I had my group 1 who are generally much better (though not always) and I think they heard about my breakdown so they were on extra good behavior.
Then I was just feeling kind of down still so I went into Botosani to go shopping. The funny thing is I just started walking...kind of knowing where I was going...but then went away from the stores and just walked. I found the big park in Botosani and it was so wonderful just being in the middle of a park. Even though I was in the middle of a city...I felt like I was in the country again. It was peaceful and quite and beautiful. There were trees and sculptures and just people sitting around watching others. It was so peaceful and beautiful and it just felt like all of my problems went away I really loved it.
Then on Saturday I got to see Tory, she was the volunteer that was here before me. She was just here for the weekend visiting the family that she stayed with, but I got to hang out with her for a while on Saturday...which was really nice. It was so great to talk with someone who knows what it is like. Sometimes it is really hard to follow someone, because the people are here remember Tory how she was when she left...not when she came. So they often forget that I don't know the language that well, and I am still rather timid and that life in general is difficult everyday. So they don't understand why I am quite or not super outgoing all the time because Tory was. Talking with Tory really helped though, and kind of sparked a determination in me, so hopefully I can make a change and start attempting to put myself out there more and just through myself in there not caring if I make a fool of myself. That is the only way I am going to learn things, and I don't know I just feel different now. A good different though!
Tory and I also had an interesting experience. We were taking a walk along a road and there were lots of carutas (horse drawn carriages) and one stopped and asked if we wanted a ride. I had never ridden on a caruta we said sure. The guy was chatting and found out that he knew Tory. He had given her a ride one day...this time by car, he took her to school. So they chatted for a while and then he mentioned that he works at the piata on Fridays and that I should come to his booth/table area to get cheese and sour cream and milk from him. He has good dairy products so I am sure if I went to his stand he would just be tickled pink. He also said that he has 3 boys in Italy and a good wife and a good family and good animals and if I ever want to come to his village to visit him he will take me in like one of his own. So I am sure I could get some really good Romanian food there....I don't know if I ever will but who knows what will happen :) Then we decided we were going to go to the top of the hill so he said lets go fast! So he made the horses run! I was holding on for dear life to a chain in the back, dirt was getting kicked up into my face, he grabbed onto my arm so I wouldn't fall off and we went very fast down an uneven road, in a wooden caruta....a very interesting experience to say the least! I wanted to ride a caruta....and I got the true Romanian experience.
So that was about my week...just lesson planned today and did some baking. I am bound and determined to meet my neighbors...I am going to do it this time, I have to because that is the only way that I am going to be able to meet people is be introducing myself. I just have to start and once I start I know I will be fine and the more people I know the better and the more integrated I will be. I just have to find that confidence and I will be fine. I will get there and I will do it and I will make this experience everything that it can be!
I miss and love you all everyday. Know however that I am doing fine, I just had a bad day....but I got over it and I am going to get back on the horse and I am going to do better, I know I can do it! I think about you every day and I hope you are well and happy! I am looking forward to what I hope to be a productive week and hopefully I will have many good things to write about next week! I will have a Halloween party on Saturday so I am sure that I will have interesting things to say about that :) So that is all for this week!
La revedere!
Pana mai tarziu
~Sarah B.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Just another week in Romania
So it looks like I am falling into a rhythm, one post a week, which is pretty good for me. I am not very good at recounting my adventures, because they never sound as good as they actually were. Oh well at least I try :)
So this week there really wasn't anything to interesting that happened. I just basically went to school all week. Something that was sort of interesting though, is the behavior that I recieved from the students, for some reason they were crazy good this week! I even had a new behavior plan to institute, but it wasn't really all that necessary, because they were so good. When I was in Iasi this past weekend, my friends that I met and I got to talking about school and something that is a problem for everyone is the behavior from the kids. One of my friends was telling me about his method, since the kids don't respond to yelling or a talking to, he goes with grades. In order to get them to participate and be on decent behavior he gives them a grade for every class. I liked this idea so I decided to implement it. It works wonders, they want to get good grades, especially since I told them I would put them all in the catalogue (which I am not doing, but they will be calculated into their final grade) so it will hurt them if they get bad grades in class in the end. So if they are good they get a 9 or a 10 (which is equivalent to an A) and if they are not good they will get a 2 or a 3. This has worked so far, and it will be a good way for me to get to know their names :) Since I also use the book for attendance every day. So we shall see how this next week goes and if they continue to have respect for me or not...I sure hope so!
That is all for the kids, but I did get to talking with the secretary at school one day and found out that she has a granddaughter that is about 2 weeks older than Josee (my niece and goddaughter) so she was thrilled to show me pictures of her. So I am going to be bringing in pictures of Blair and Josee to show her, and the rest of my family as well, because they are all so important to me! My friends are too, but if I showed her pictures of all of my friends I think that we would be there for ages! I also got to talking to the physics teacher, she is so nice and I found out that she has a cousin in Canada. I asked her if she ever wants to go there and visit her...but she didn't seem so keen on it :) Even though this is her first year there, and she has never met an American Volunteer before (all of the other teachers met and worked with Tory who was the volunteer in my village before me) she is really good to speak with, because she speaks simply and slowly. I am starting to understand more, but it is still difficult, especially when people automatically think I am fluent in Romanian and start talking really quickly with strong accent and complicated. There are some who are really good though, and it makes life and learning a lot easier. I really do like Romanian, it is just a complicated language. My counterpart put it into a good perspective though. We were talking about how complicated I think that the language is, and she told me to imagine being in Asia or somewhere in Africa where none of the words would hold any similarities to English. She is completely right though, because there are a lot of words that are really similar, it is just the sentence structure and the gender sensitve words, as well as the conjugation of verbs that gets me every time, because that is not something that is prevalent in the English language. In time I know I will learn however, my Romanian has actually improved since I have come to my village, so that is something that I am excited about!
Let's see what else is new, oh I was on my way to the Piata on Friday morning when I recieved a phone call, I had a package from my parents! Again since Tory was here before me, it works out in my favor, I exchanged numbers with the man from the post office and when a package comes in he gives me a call since it is dificult for me to get there. I can only go to the post office between 10 and 11:30 to pick up packages, in a city that is a 1/2 hour away by car. So Friday is really the only day since I do not have school on Fridays. Needless to say I was thrilled, I love getting packages, so I went home to pack my bags really quickly as I was planning on spending some time with my counterpart and immediately went to the bus stop! I didn't actually take the bus, I rode with someone (hitch hiking is very common hear and safe) and this was the first time the ride didn't turn into something interesting. The only thing that was interesting is that the guy forgot I was in the back seat. Apparently he doesn't normally give rides to people, and it is not like I was chatting their ears off as I do not know the language very well, and it usually turns into a rather limiting conversation. It was just funny when his friend told him I was still in the car, but I got to where I needed to go in the end. So there really has yet to be a dull ride for me :) I guess I will take it though, nothing has been frightening yet...and I hope that it stays that way...I will steer clear of scary! So I got my package, and the people at the post office are all super nice, so that rocks. My arms are still sore from carrying it, that sucker was heavy!
I won't talk about the package too much but I wanted to mention my favorite thing. My niece Blair decided that she would color me some pictures, some for my house and some for my classroom. The cutest part is the ones for my house were all precious moments (which are only my favorite things in the world, and for all of you who know me super well, you know how many I have already collected :)! ) and the ones for my school were the alphabet :) The best part was on the letter Z she wrote, "Yay we finished the alphabet!" Man I love my family! The rest of the stuff in there rocked to, there was tons of stuff for school, and for Halloween since we are having a Halloween party, so they should really enjoy the decorations...which include (Spider webs, a ghost that flies around the ceiling, and a bat that flies around as well!) I think those are going to be a real hit! My mom is so creative! These kids are creative as well, so I think that the decorations they make themselves are going to be awesome!
Let's see other than that not much else is new, just lesson planning and chilling out at home. It has been getting cold out, so I decided to make brownies today, and I never really did get to meet my neighbors very much with them last time because I got scared and gave them to other people I already knew, but I am going to try again...hopefully starting tomorrow...we shall see if I build up the courage. I think that I can do it! Oh but I wanted to mention before I forget...especially for mom and dad, everytime that I talk with people for the first time they ask if my parents are going to come and see me, so it looks like everyone here is looking forward to meeting you. Also as long as John and Mary are still planning on coming to see me as well, I am sure they would be absolutely thrilled to meet you as well! So I think when you do come to see me, you are instantly going to be very popular! I am sure they will show you a good Romanian welcome!
Well I think that is all for now, I am going to go and try to lesson plan a little bit before I attempt to stream the Packer Game, I want to see this one because once Donald Driver makes his first reception he is going to make history, and I love Donald Driver! He is my I want to see his bit of history, he deserves it! He is amazing, not just on the football field but off of it as well! Alright, well I will try to post again next week Sunday! I always try to remember because I know their are a lot of you who read it, so I want to include you in everything that I can. I love and miss you all so much, but I do love it here (but I plan on coming home, don't worry) and I am doing very well and learning a lot every day! I hope you all are doing well and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Oh and before I forget my love goes out to the family of Millie Olm, I am sorry I couldn't be there for the service, I would have been there in a heartbeat if I was in the United States. Millie has always meant a lot to me as she saw me and Fred grow up. I am glad you are no longer in pain or confusion, but you will always be missed. We all love you.
Te iubesc
Pana mai tarziu
~Sarah B.
So this week there really wasn't anything to interesting that happened. I just basically went to school all week. Something that was sort of interesting though, is the behavior that I recieved from the students, for some reason they were crazy good this week! I even had a new behavior plan to institute, but it wasn't really all that necessary, because they were so good. When I was in Iasi this past weekend, my friends that I met and I got to talking about school and something that is a problem for everyone is the behavior from the kids. One of my friends was telling me about his method, since the kids don't respond to yelling or a talking to, he goes with grades. In order to get them to participate and be on decent behavior he gives them a grade for every class. I liked this idea so I decided to implement it. It works wonders, they want to get good grades, especially since I told them I would put them all in the catalogue (which I am not doing, but they will be calculated into their final grade) so it will hurt them if they get bad grades in class in the end. So if they are good they get a 9 or a 10 (which is equivalent to an A) and if they are not good they will get a 2 or a 3. This has worked so far, and it will be a good way for me to get to know their names :) Since I also use the book for attendance every day. So we shall see how this next week goes and if they continue to have respect for me or not...I sure hope so!
That is all for the kids, but I did get to talking with the secretary at school one day and found out that she has a granddaughter that is about 2 weeks older than Josee (my niece and goddaughter) so she was thrilled to show me pictures of her. So I am going to be bringing in pictures of Blair and Josee to show her, and the rest of my family as well, because they are all so important to me! My friends are too, but if I showed her pictures of all of my friends I think that we would be there for ages! I also got to talking to the physics teacher, she is so nice and I found out that she has a cousin in Canada. I asked her if she ever wants to go there and visit her...but she didn't seem so keen on it :) Even though this is her first year there, and she has never met an American Volunteer before (all of the other teachers met and worked with Tory who was the volunteer in my village before me) she is really good to speak with, because she speaks simply and slowly. I am starting to understand more, but it is still difficult, especially when people automatically think I am fluent in Romanian and start talking really quickly with strong accent and complicated. There are some who are really good though, and it makes life and learning a lot easier. I really do like Romanian, it is just a complicated language. My counterpart put it into a good perspective though. We were talking about how complicated I think that the language is, and she told me to imagine being in Asia or somewhere in Africa where none of the words would hold any similarities to English. She is completely right though, because there are a lot of words that are really similar, it is just the sentence structure and the gender sensitve words, as well as the conjugation of verbs that gets me every time, because that is not something that is prevalent in the English language. In time I know I will learn however, my Romanian has actually improved since I have come to my village, so that is something that I am excited about!
Let's see what else is new, oh I was on my way to the Piata on Friday morning when I recieved a phone call, I had a package from my parents! Again since Tory was here before me, it works out in my favor, I exchanged numbers with the man from the post office and when a package comes in he gives me a call since it is dificult for me to get there. I can only go to the post office between 10 and 11:30 to pick up packages, in a city that is a 1/2 hour away by car. So Friday is really the only day since I do not have school on Fridays. Needless to say I was thrilled, I love getting packages, so I went home to pack my bags really quickly as I was planning on spending some time with my counterpart and immediately went to the bus stop! I didn't actually take the bus, I rode with someone (hitch hiking is very common hear and safe) and this was the first time the ride didn't turn into something interesting. The only thing that was interesting is that the guy forgot I was in the back seat. Apparently he doesn't normally give rides to people, and it is not like I was chatting their ears off as I do not know the language very well, and it usually turns into a rather limiting conversation. It was just funny when his friend told him I was still in the car, but I got to where I needed to go in the end. So there really has yet to be a dull ride for me :) I guess I will take it though, nothing has been frightening yet...and I hope that it stays that way...I will steer clear of scary! So I got my package, and the people at the post office are all super nice, so that rocks. My arms are still sore from carrying it, that sucker was heavy!
I won't talk about the package too much but I wanted to mention my favorite thing. My niece Blair decided that she would color me some pictures, some for my house and some for my classroom. The cutest part is the ones for my house were all precious moments (which are only my favorite things in the world, and for all of you who know me super well, you know how many I have already collected :)! ) and the ones for my school were the alphabet :) The best part was on the letter Z she wrote, "Yay we finished the alphabet!" Man I love my family! The rest of the stuff in there rocked to, there was tons of stuff for school, and for Halloween since we are having a Halloween party, so they should really enjoy the decorations...which include (Spider webs, a ghost that flies around the ceiling, and a bat that flies around as well!) I think those are going to be a real hit! My mom is so creative! These kids are creative as well, so I think that the decorations they make themselves are going to be awesome!
Let's see other than that not much else is new, just lesson planning and chilling out at home. It has been getting cold out, so I decided to make brownies today, and I never really did get to meet my neighbors very much with them last time because I got scared and gave them to other people I already knew, but I am going to try again...hopefully starting tomorrow...we shall see if I build up the courage. I think that I can do it! Oh but I wanted to mention before I forget...especially for mom and dad, everytime that I talk with people for the first time they ask if my parents are going to come and see me, so it looks like everyone here is looking forward to meeting you. Also as long as John and Mary are still planning on coming to see me as well, I am sure they would be absolutely thrilled to meet you as well! So I think when you do come to see me, you are instantly going to be very popular! I am sure they will show you a good Romanian welcome!
Well I think that is all for now, I am going to go and try to lesson plan a little bit before I attempt to stream the Packer Game, I want to see this one because once Donald Driver makes his first reception he is going to make history, and I love Donald Driver! He is my I want to see his bit of history, he deserves it! He is amazing, not just on the football field but off of it as well! Alright, well I will try to post again next week Sunday! I always try to remember because I know their are a lot of you who read it, so I want to include you in everything that I can. I love and miss you all so much, but I do love it here (but I plan on coming home, don't worry) and I am doing very well and learning a lot every day! I hope you all are doing well and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Oh and before I forget my love goes out to the family of Millie Olm, I am sorry I couldn't be there for the service, I would have been there in a heartbeat if I was in the United States. Millie has always meant a lot to me as she saw me and Fred grow up. I am glad you are no longer in pain or confusion, but you will always be missed. We all love you.
Te iubesc
Pana mai tarziu
~Sarah B.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Interesting Journeys
So sorry for the delay in postings, I got a little busy and just didn't have the time or energy to post for a few days....but now I am back :)
So let's see we shall start with school. It is going well, and interesting to say the least. The students here are different than any students I have ever seen in the states, and they seem to have a lot of fun testing me. I am trying my best to be strict and I am talking with other volunteers about discipline strategies and I think that I have come up with a few...I have been trying to impliment them and classes have been going a little bit more smoothly, and I have some more ideas for what I can do so I think that they will be getting better. It is just a little hard because my counterpart has been so busy. My counterpart is the other English teacher, she has been busy because a lot of things have been going on with the teachers union...which she is the head of. For a while the high school and general school in my town were merged...and then they were not....and now they are again. Then we had one director...then another director....then back to the previous director. Every day it has been something different, but now they say that we are going to stay merged with the same new I hope that things start to quiet down, just so I can finally get used to things. My director had to go to Bucarest one day this week, so I had all of the classes alone..that was was difficult but interesting. One class misbehaved so much that I had to give them an impromptu they know I am serious. They were not to crazy about it, especially the ones that were being good, but sometimes that is the only way to get through to them. So hopefully I can get the kids to realize I am serious...that is my number one battle right now :)
So onto other things, this weekend I went to Iasi, this is the 2nd largest city in Romania. I went there to meet some friends for a festival and just to hang out for a bit. It was a lot of traveling for one day, 2 hours there and 2 hours back, but it was worth it. The bus ride down there was interesting, I met a lady from my town who works at the casa de copii, which is the place where kids who do not have parents or anyone to stay with go, and we got to talk about that a little bit and I am able to go there and help sometime, so maybe next weekend I will just go there to see what I can do :) It was just really interesting that I just happened to be going to Iasi at the same time she was. It was funny she asked if I knew where I was going in Iasi...I said no I will figure it out when I get there, and she just kept saying Iasi is big, be careful. I did figure it out once I got there, and it took me about an hour to get where I needed to go, but I asked for directions and eventually found it, the 10 minute walk that someone informed me it would be turned out to be a 30 minute walk, but I made it and that is all that matters :)
So then we just walked around and hung out in Iasi all day with friends, there was lots of beautiful jewlery and tons of little stands to look at. They had interesting pots, hats, scarves, shoes, food, there were rides, and traditional Romanian food, and tons of other interesting things to see. The venders were crazy, they wanted you to buy their things so bad, so they would bargain with you and put their jewlery on you and say that it was so beautiful and they would give you something else as a gift if you bought it, it was very difficult to say no to them...but you had to try and then they seemed upset, but oh well, that is the life of bargaining sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
Then I had my ride home. For the first time I took a personal train, the worst trains in Romania, and it really was not bad at all. It had a bit of an odd smell, but it was well lit and comfortable, but fine overall. I did however meet a very interesting lady on the train, and I am pretty sure she wanted to take me home with her. She kept trying to convince me to come to Iasi on Wednesday for this saints day, and I kept telling her that I had to work, and she did not want to take no for an answer. She had a good heart, but was a little odd....She had us exchange phone numbers so if I ever come to Iasi I have a place to stay...but I just did that to be nice. I don't really have any intention of calling her, but again no would not be taken as an answer. If I ever was stuck in Iasi, we do have another volunteer there and I know a couple people in my town who know people there as well, so I don't think I will be calling a complete stranger to stay with. I always seem to find the most interesting people on trains. For some reason, even though I do not start talking to people, they start talking to me, and then are drawn to me for some reason, and it is very difficult to avoid a conversation, when you are not exactly sure how to end one, besides leaving...and you can't really leave a train...oh well just another interesting experience.
So today I am going to make some American Pancakes for some of my friends here, they are all excited and I am looking forward to making them for them, and to eating them as well, I haven't had pancakes in months and it should be pretty tasty, we are going to eat them with Jam and Honey, yum :) So off to lesson plan and make pancakes so it should be a good time.
I hope you all are doing well, I miss and love you all bunches and think of you everyday. Take care and have a great day.
La revedere si te iubesc!
Pana mai tarziu (Until later)
~Sarah B.
So let's see we shall start with school. It is going well, and interesting to say the least. The students here are different than any students I have ever seen in the states, and they seem to have a lot of fun testing me. I am trying my best to be strict and I am talking with other volunteers about discipline strategies and I think that I have come up with a few...I have been trying to impliment them and classes have been going a little bit more smoothly, and I have some more ideas for what I can do so I think that they will be getting better. It is just a little hard because my counterpart has been so busy. My counterpart is the other English teacher, she has been busy because a lot of things have been going on with the teachers union...which she is the head of. For a while the high school and general school in my town were merged...and then they were not....and now they are again. Then we had one director...then another director....then back to the previous director. Every day it has been something different, but now they say that we are going to stay merged with the same new I hope that things start to quiet down, just so I can finally get used to things. My director had to go to Bucarest one day this week, so I had all of the classes alone..that was was difficult but interesting. One class misbehaved so much that I had to give them an impromptu they know I am serious. They were not to crazy about it, especially the ones that were being good, but sometimes that is the only way to get through to them. So hopefully I can get the kids to realize I am serious...that is my number one battle right now :)
So onto other things, this weekend I went to Iasi, this is the 2nd largest city in Romania. I went there to meet some friends for a festival and just to hang out for a bit. It was a lot of traveling for one day, 2 hours there and 2 hours back, but it was worth it. The bus ride down there was interesting, I met a lady from my town who works at the casa de copii, which is the place where kids who do not have parents or anyone to stay with go, and we got to talk about that a little bit and I am able to go there and help sometime, so maybe next weekend I will just go there to see what I can do :) It was just really interesting that I just happened to be going to Iasi at the same time she was. It was funny she asked if I knew where I was going in Iasi...I said no I will figure it out when I get there, and she just kept saying Iasi is big, be careful. I did figure it out once I got there, and it took me about an hour to get where I needed to go, but I asked for directions and eventually found it, the 10 minute walk that someone informed me it would be turned out to be a 30 minute walk, but I made it and that is all that matters :)
So then we just walked around and hung out in Iasi all day with friends, there was lots of beautiful jewlery and tons of little stands to look at. They had interesting pots, hats, scarves, shoes, food, there were rides, and traditional Romanian food, and tons of other interesting things to see. The venders were crazy, they wanted you to buy their things so bad, so they would bargain with you and put their jewlery on you and say that it was so beautiful and they would give you something else as a gift if you bought it, it was very difficult to say no to them...but you had to try and then they seemed upset, but oh well, that is the life of bargaining sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
Then I had my ride home. For the first time I took a personal train, the worst trains in Romania, and it really was not bad at all. It had a bit of an odd smell, but it was well lit and comfortable, but fine overall. I did however meet a very interesting lady on the train, and I am pretty sure she wanted to take me home with her. She kept trying to convince me to come to Iasi on Wednesday for this saints day, and I kept telling her that I had to work, and she did not want to take no for an answer. She had a good heart, but was a little odd....She had us exchange phone numbers so if I ever come to Iasi I have a place to stay...but I just did that to be nice. I don't really have any intention of calling her, but again no would not be taken as an answer. If I ever was stuck in Iasi, we do have another volunteer there and I know a couple people in my town who know people there as well, so I don't think I will be calling a complete stranger to stay with. I always seem to find the most interesting people on trains. For some reason, even though I do not start talking to people, they start talking to me, and then are drawn to me for some reason, and it is very difficult to avoid a conversation, when you are not exactly sure how to end one, besides leaving...and you can't really leave a train...oh well just another interesting experience.
So today I am going to make some American Pancakes for some of my friends here, they are all excited and I am looking forward to making them for them, and to eating them as well, I haven't had pancakes in months and it should be pretty tasty, we are going to eat them with Jam and Honey, yum :) So off to lesson plan and make pancakes so it should be a good time.
I hope you all are doing well, I miss and love you all bunches and think of you everyday. Take care and have a great day.
La revedere si te iubesc!
Pana mai tarziu (Until later)
~Sarah B.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wish list
So many of you have asked me if I need anything…so I thought that I would compile a wish list, if you choose to send me something great…if not I still love you any way. I am going to try to make this fun and creative as well. So lets begin :)
1.) Winter hat, mittens and scarf. As winter is fast approaching…I do not have anything to keep my hands and head warm. I do not yet have a winter jacket, but I figure I will buy one here. I just figure if anyone out there is looking for a project…this may be your next one :)
2.) Bobby pins and Barrettes. My hair is getting long, and I am getting bored with only wearing it up, but I don’t have anything else to keep it out of my face…and the barrettes here are mainly made for children…I know Blair would love them :)
3.) Scotch tape – life just isn’t the same without scotch tape
4.) Duct tape – so I can fix anything :)
5.) Construction paper – to make fun things for my kids and besides everyone loves colored paper!! :)
6.) Dry erase markers – To use in my classroom, they are impossible to find here, and I could use them like nobody’s business in my classroom.
7.) Make-up – I need to look pretty to lure in the mend! I have sensitive skin!! :)
8.) Maple Syrup – to make American pancakes for my new Romanian friends
9.) Taco Seasoning packets – to make delicious tacos for my new Romanian friends
10.) Brown sugar – to make goodies for my new Romanian friends
11.) Measuring cups and spoons -- they don’t exist here! I have been doing pretty good at guessing…but I am just awaiting a disaster….
12.) Nalgene Bottle – Super expensive here, and I love my water! Would be a lot easier than buying water bottles to refill…especially since I can hear Debbie telling me I will get cancer that way
13.) Butterscotch chips to put in my delicious chocolate chip cookies!
14.) Peanut Butter chips to put in my delicious brownies that I have discovered I can make :)
15.) Manicure set – maybe that cube thing with the file, buffer, and all that stuff on the 4 different sides :) A girl has got to have clean nails :)
16.) Graham crackers and marshmallows…more for the summer, they don’t exist here and I know the Romanians would go wild over Smores!
17.) I don’t know what it is called, but it is that sticky puddy stuff that teachers use to put up posters on the wall. That would rock for my apartment to put pictures of family up (hint, hint send pictures!)
18.) Hooks made by scotch, could really use them for towels and stuff around the house. Scotch really does rock...they should expand to Romania :)
19.) Clothesline, I have an idea for the winter, to use to hang my clothes up…and that would be tying the clothesline to two chairs…oh yes I am becoming creative! I think I get it from my daddy :)
20.) Perfume/Body spray – something fruity and delicious I need to smell good if I am without water for several days :)
21.) Kraft macaroni and cheese – not gonna lie I had a dream about it…
22.) Peanut Butter – super expensive and extremely difficult to find here but so so good!
23.) Markers – to make activities for my kids
24.) Whole grain pasta -- does not exist here and life is just so much better with whole grains :)
25.) Nice blouses or sweaters – the stuff is made to fail here and Kohl’s does not exist…how I miss Kohls…I am about the same size I was when I left so in a L or XL ladies, if it fits my mom or sister-in-law it will fit me.
26.) Flat Black Dress shoes, the shoes around here are tiny, and not wide…10W is the size for me :)
27.) Necklaces – doesn’t have to be expensive, just simple you know me :)
28.) Pictures of you :)
29.) Food coloring – I know it sounds strange..but again for goodies :)
30.) Herbal Essences…my hair would be so happy!
31.) Hair Straightener…and small curling iron…ahem mom and bathroom...middle drawer :)
32.) Double Stuff Mint Oreos…oh there is just nothing like em! :)
33.) Counted cross stitch patterns – the ones that come in the little packet with the strings and everything…something pretty :) -- and extra needles…I always manage to lose or break them :) oh and the ring to put it in....
34.) Lotion – Vasaline intensive care – the winter is going to kill me...and again sensitive skin :)
35.) Vaporub – for all those winter colds :) Besides it just smells so delicious :)
36.) Eye make-up remover – I have had a tendancy to look like a raccoon around here :)
37.) Black tights…I have a cute dress they would go with :) Also they would hide my tattoo :)
38.) Razors the refills for the Shick Quatro…you would not believe how expensive they are here!!! Or just regular razors will work too, maybe with 2 or 3 blades on them :) I need to keep my legs smooth ;)
39.) Chow mein – Chinese food does not exist here – and I am dying for something as simple as chow mein – even if it can’t hold a candle to true Chinese food like Chicken and Broccoli :)
40.) Sandwich bags – absolutely impossible to find here but so so useful :)
41.) Note cards and post it notes – both are difficult to find and would be extremely useful in school for activities :)
42.) Ingredients for pumpkin pie...mainly the pumpkin and seasonings oh and the carnation milk...they would love the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving :)
Obviously I am not expecting all of this, I just wanted to give you some ideas :) Anything that is sent is going to be greatly appreciated and loved and I would love for you to get creative, but these are just some things I have thought about, I can’t think of everything and I am sure there is more, so just have fun, I just would like to get a piece of your personality in any package, that is what I miss the most about being home :)
Oh and there are flat rate large boxes that you can send for $50 and you can stick as much stuff in there as you want up to 20 pounds...which is a lot! I just got a package from my parents and you would not believe how much they fit in there :)
If anyone sees this and decides they want to send me a package but does not have my address please let me know and I will send it to you...just don't want to put my address on a public blog :)
Love and miss you to a festival in town..I will try to post about it later, I am sure it will be interesting :)
Hope you all are well, I think of you every day :)
~Until later
Sarah B.
1.) Winter hat, mittens and scarf. As winter is fast approaching…I do not have anything to keep my hands and head warm. I do not yet have a winter jacket, but I figure I will buy one here. I just figure if anyone out there is looking for a project…this may be your next one :)
2.) Bobby pins and Barrettes. My hair is getting long, and I am getting bored with only wearing it up, but I don’t have anything else to keep it out of my face…and the barrettes here are mainly made for children…I know Blair would love them :)
3.) Scotch tape – life just isn’t the same without scotch tape
4.) Duct tape – so I can fix anything :)
5.) Construction paper – to make fun things for my kids and besides everyone loves colored paper!! :)
6.) Dry erase markers – To use in my classroom, they are impossible to find here, and I could use them like nobody’s business in my classroom.
7.) Make-up – I need to look pretty to lure in the mend! I have sensitive skin!! :)
8.) Maple Syrup – to make American pancakes for my new Romanian friends
9.) Taco Seasoning packets – to make delicious tacos for my new Romanian friends
10.) Brown sugar – to make goodies for my new Romanian friends
11.) Measuring cups and spoons -- they don’t exist here! I have been doing pretty good at guessing…but I am just awaiting a disaster….
12.) Nalgene Bottle – Super expensive here, and I love my water! Would be a lot easier than buying water bottles to refill…especially since I can hear Debbie telling me I will get cancer that way
13.) Butterscotch chips to put in my delicious chocolate chip cookies!
14.) Peanut Butter chips to put in my delicious brownies that I have discovered I can make :)
15.) Manicure set – maybe that cube thing with the file, buffer, and all that stuff on the 4 different sides :) A girl has got to have clean nails :)
16.) Graham crackers and marshmallows…more for the summer, they don’t exist here and I know the Romanians would go wild over Smores!
17.) I don’t know what it is called, but it is that sticky puddy stuff that teachers use to put up posters on the wall. That would rock for my apartment to put pictures of family up (hint, hint send pictures!)
18.) Hooks made by scotch, could really use them for towels and stuff around the house. Scotch really does rock...they should expand to Romania :)
19.) Clothesline, I have an idea for the winter, to use to hang my clothes up…and that would be tying the clothesline to two chairs…oh yes I am becoming creative! I think I get it from my daddy :)
20.) Perfume/Body spray – something fruity and delicious I need to smell good if I am without water for several days :)
21.) Kraft macaroni and cheese – not gonna lie I had a dream about it…
22.) Peanut Butter – super expensive and extremely difficult to find here but so so good!
23.) Markers – to make activities for my kids
24.) Whole grain pasta -- does not exist here and life is just so much better with whole grains :)
25.) Nice blouses or sweaters – the stuff is made to fail here and Kohl’s does not exist…how I miss Kohls…I am about the same size I was when I left so in a L or XL ladies, if it fits my mom or sister-in-law it will fit me.
26.) Flat Black Dress shoes, the shoes around here are tiny, and not wide…10W is the size for me :)
27.) Necklaces – doesn’t have to be expensive, just simple you know me :)
28.) Pictures of you :)
29.) Food coloring – I know it sounds strange..but again for goodies :)
30.) Herbal Essences…my hair would be so happy!
31.) Hair Straightener…and small curling iron…ahem mom and bathroom...middle drawer :)
32.) Double Stuff Mint Oreos…oh there is just nothing like em! :)
33.) Counted cross stitch patterns – the ones that come in the little packet with the strings and everything…something pretty :) -- and extra needles…I always manage to lose or break them :) oh and the ring to put it in....
34.) Lotion – Vasaline intensive care – the winter is going to kill me...and again sensitive skin :)
35.) Vaporub – for all those winter colds :) Besides it just smells so delicious :)
36.) Eye make-up remover – I have had a tendancy to look like a raccoon around here :)
37.) Black tights…I have a cute dress they would go with :) Also they would hide my tattoo :)
38.) Razors the refills for the Shick Quatro…you would not believe how expensive they are here!!! Or just regular razors will work too, maybe with 2 or 3 blades on them :) I need to keep my legs smooth ;)
39.) Chow mein – Chinese food does not exist here – and I am dying for something as simple as chow mein – even if it can’t hold a candle to true Chinese food like Chicken and Broccoli :)
40.) Sandwich bags – absolutely impossible to find here but so so useful :)
41.) Note cards and post it notes – both are difficult to find and would be extremely useful in school for activities :)
42.) Ingredients for pumpkin pie...mainly the pumpkin and seasonings oh and the carnation milk...they would love the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving :)
Obviously I am not expecting all of this, I just wanted to give you some ideas :) Anything that is sent is going to be greatly appreciated and loved and I would love for you to get creative, but these are just some things I have thought about, I can’t think of everything and I am sure there is more, so just have fun, I just would like to get a piece of your personality in any package, that is what I miss the most about being home :)
Oh and there are flat rate large boxes that you can send for $50 and you can stick as much stuff in there as you want up to 20 pounds...which is a lot! I just got a package from my parents and you would not believe how much they fit in there :)
If anyone sees this and decides they want to send me a package but does not have my address please let me know and I will send it to you...just don't want to put my address on a public blog :)
Love and miss you to a festival in town..I will try to post about it later, I am sure it will be interesting :)
Hope you all are well, I think of you every day :)
~Until later
Sarah B.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
School Year Under Way
So my School year is officially underway. I have had a few weeks of teaching and it has been interesting to say the least. Some classes are fantastic, the kids listent, they are extremely intelligent, just are the kids that every teacher wants to have....then there is the kids that let's just say aren't the greatest. I think that a lot of it is they are just trying to push me to see how far they can go before I break...but I may just try to write down a set of rules this weekend. I am learning as I go along...but I think in the long run it will be alright :)
So teaching is going along, I am learning what they know...what they don't know...what works and what doesn't work. Everything is coming in time, and my Romanian is slowly but surely coming along. I made a conscious effort to be in the teachers lounge this week, specifically to listen to I can increase my comprehension. Oddly enough, it is my comprehension that is speaking is alright, but my comprehension stinks. My counterpart is baffled, she has never met anyone who learns a language quite like me, usually it is the exact opposite, that people understand, but they can't produce it...not quite sure why I am such an odd duckling :)
So this past weekend I had my first train trip alone. I went down to Bucharest for a meeting for the peer support group that I am in. The trip down there was interesting....I took the night train. I was riding in 2nd class, which was fine, and I was in a compartment, and until 5:30 in the morning I was alone, so it worked out really well and I was able to sleep in peace for about 5 hours...but I did get woken up a couple of times. There were several conductors who came in and most just came and left...but there was one who was kind of a bother. I had my backpack up above myself, since I was alone. My backpack is very heavy, and the door was closed, so if anyone came in and tried to steal my bag, first I would hear them and second they wouldn't get anything good from my backpack. The conductor however was very adament about me keeping my bag near me. So I am sure that he meant well...but he made me a tad uncomfortable, because when I said it was fine and I wanted to sleep and was going to leave it there, he quickly responded with fine then I will stay in here with you! Well needless to say, I was not alright with that option, especially since the lights were off and the door was closed and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. So he proceeded to talk to me for a while, and I attempted to talk back, but finally he asked the clencher, that always makes me shoo the Romanian men away who are a little to friendly, and that is are you married. So I promptly took my back pack down, promised I would use it as a pillow and went to sleep until around 5:30 or 6 when I recieved some cabin mates. I am pretty sure that the conductor meant no harm and was just looking out for me, but I was so tired and just wanted to be left alone...especially when it was so late.
Other than that the trip in Bucharest was pretty low key. It was super good to see some of my collegues again, and just to have a chill weekend. Other than the travel :) It was 8 hours to Buc and 8 hours back, so in 3 days I traveled for 16 hours, but while I wasn't traveling it was great to be with my friends.
While we were in Buc, we had a meeting with Richard Pyle. He was a super interesting man, and he talked to us about Peer Support in other countries, what has worked, what has not worked, provided us with ideas about how to continue to improve our Peer Support network, and just talked about how we can help others who are having some issues arise at site. It was very informative, I think we all learned a lot about Peer Support, and even about what the Peace Corps training used to be like. Let me tell you, we thought that our training was long and grueling, it was a bed of roses compared to what this man went through. To give you a taste, his training involved a marathon, a drowning test, and a navigation test from the middle of nowhere. I will take language and cultural lessons anyday over that, I can't even imagine what that must have been like! He made it through however, and had nothing but positive things to say about his Peace Corps experience in Jamaica.
Other than that the week has been pretty quiet, just teaching and next week we are going to talk about a Halloween party. The kids around here absolutely love Halloween, and they have had a party for the past two years with the prior volunteer, so they are looking forward to it again. The nice thing is that I won't have to do to much...they know a lot of what to do already, and I am just going to be there thinking of extra ideas and pushing them along a bit. I am working with another teacher, so hopefully after I leave the tradition of a Halloween party can continue :) We shall see :) So we will have a student council meeting next week, and from there we shall plan the party! It sounds like it was a big ta-da last year, and I don't think that I can come anywhere close to replicating it...but hopefully I can bring a bit of myself to it this year and we shall see what happens. If you can think of any fun ideas for decorations or activities, let me know and I will pass them around to the kids for ideas for the party :) I am hopeful that it will be fun and a success.
So that is all for now...I am working on a wish list and will try to make it my next post, I know many of you have been asking and it is late now, and I am sleepy and we all know how well I think when I am sleepy...let's just say interesting things are usually said. So tomorrow I will think about what I would like and then post something, and maybe I will send out an e-mail as well. If you need my address let me know and I will send that along to you as well. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss and love you all. Things are well here and I am slowly but surely getting the hang of stuff.
I also would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Tanya Haese, she was a great person and she will be sorely missed.
You are all continuously in my thoughts and prayers, I think of you everyday and love you all so much!!
~Until later
Sarah B.
So teaching is going along, I am learning what they know...what they don't know...what works and what doesn't work. Everything is coming in time, and my Romanian is slowly but surely coming along. I made a conscious effort to be in the teachers lounge this week, specifically to listen to I can increase my comprehension. Oddly enough, it is my comprehension that is speaking is alright, but my comprehension stinks. My counterpart is baffled, she has never met anyone who learns a language quite like me, usually it is the exact opposite, that people understand, but they can't produce it...not quite sure why I am such an odd duckling :)
So this past weekend I had my first train trip alone. I went down to Bucharest for a meeting for the peer support group that I am in. The trip down there was interesting....I took the night train. I was riding in 2nd class, which was fine, and I was in a compartment, and until 5:30 in the morning I was alone, so it worked out really well and I was able to sleep in peace for about 5 hours...but I did get woken up a couple of times. There were several conductors who came in and most just came and left...but there was one who was kind of a bother. I had my backpack up above myself, since I was alone. My backpack is very heavy, and the door was closed, so if anyone came in and tried to steal my bag, first I would hear them and second they wouldn't get anything good from my backpack. The conductor however was very adament about me keeping my bag near me. So I am sure that he meant well...but he made me a tad uncomfortable, because when I said it was fine and I wanted to sleep and was going to leave it there, he quickly responded with fine then I will stay in here with you! Well needless to say, I was not alright with that option, especially since the lights were off and the door was closed and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. So he proceeded to talk to me for a while, and I attempted to talk back, but finally he asked the clencher, that always makes me shoo the Romanian men away who are a little to friendly, and that is are you married. So I promptly took my back pack down, promised I would use it as a pillow and went to sleep until around 5:30 or 6 when I recieved some cabin mates. I am pretty sure that the conductor meant no harm and was just looking out for me, but I was so tired and just wanted to be left alone...especially when it was so late.
Other than that the trip in Bucharest was pretty low key. It was super good to see some of my collegues again, and just to have a chill weekend. Other than the travel :) It was 8 hours to Buc and 8 hours back, so in 3 days I traveled for 16 hours, but while I wasn't traveling it was great to be with my friends.
While we were in Buc, we had a meeting with Richard Pyle. He was a super interesting man, and he talked to us about Peer Support in other countries, what has worked, what has not worked, provided us with ideas about how to continue to improve our Peer Support network, and just talked about how we can help others who are having some issues arise at site. It was very informative, I think we all learned a lot about Peer Support, and even about what the Peace Corps training used to be like. Let me tell you, we thought that our training was long and grueling, it was a bed of roses compared to what this man went through. To give you a taste, his training involved a marathon, a drowning test, and a navigation test from the middle of nowhere. I will take language and cultural lessons anyday over that, I can't even imagine what that must have been like! He made it through however, and had nothing but positive things to say about his Peace Corps experience in Jamaica.
Other than that the week has been pretty quiet, just teaching and next week we are going to talk about a Halloween party. The kids around here absolutely love Halloween, and they have had a party for the past two years with the prior volunteer, so they are looking forward to it again. The nice thing is that I won't have to do to much...they know a lot of what to do already, and I am just going to be there thinking of extra ideas and pushing them along a bit. I am working with another teacher, so hopefully after I leave the tradition of a Halloween party can continue :) We shall see :) So we will have a student council meeting next week, and from there we shall plan the party! It sounds like it was a big ta-da last year, and I don't think that I can come anywhere close to replicating it...but hopefully I can bring a bit of myself to it this year and we shall see what happens. If you can think of any fun ideas for decorations or activities, let me know and I will pass them around to the kids for ideas for the party :) I am hopeful that it will be fun and a success.
So that is all for now...I am working on a wish list and will try to make it my next post, I know many of you have been asking and it is late now, and I am sleepy and we all know how well I think when I am sleepy...let's just say interesting things are usually said. So tomorrow I will think about what I would like and then post something, and maybe I will send out an e-mail as well. If you need my address let me know and I will send that along to you as well. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss and love you all. Things are well here and I am slowly but surely getting the hang of stuff.
I also would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Tanya Haese, she was a great person and she will be sorely missed.
You are all continuously in my thoughts and prayers, I think of you everyday and love you all so much!!
~Until later
Sarah B.
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