So I am coming up to my last week of school before vacation starts, Yippee! I have a lot of things that I need to get done over vacation, including but not limited to grad school applications and secondary project work. I have been slacking in both, so I really need to get them accomplished. Keep your fingers crossed on the grad school apps, I sure hope that I get into at least one!
So Christmas is less than a week away, it seems like just yesterday it was Halloween! The good thing is however my school always keeps me busy with things. They do tons of stuff for Christmas. One of the things that they do is individual parties for the little kids, one for each class. So the 3rd and 4th graders with intensive English (English 3 times a week) each put on a short play. The 4th graders did one that was pre-written, and my counterpart and I wrote one for the 3rd graders. I was so proud of them, they learned their lines so well and they really got into it. Then at the end they sang a song and they all did such a good job. I was so proud of them! It was so fun to be a part of it. Also each of the classes gave me a present, which I was not expecting in the least. I was so surprised to receive one, but pleasantly so. The 4th grade class gave me a nice brown purse that can double as a school bag, it feels like it is made out of fake leather and it is super cute and simple, just like I like it! The 3rd graders gave me a box of candy and a candle holder that has butterflies and little glittery balls on it. Again it is super simple and super cute, I have it under my tree now, it feels so nice to have a tree in my apartment and it is super pretty when it is all lit up at night!
So talking about my Christmas tree, I think that serves as a good segway to a story that I want to tell. So on December 15th I put up my tree as this is the day that my family and I always put up the Christmas tree when I was younger. So while I was decorating the tree I started out with the lights, as usual. They were a little tangled so I thought I would plug them in first to make sure they worked and to help me untangle them. When I plugged them in, the began to emit the most horrible sound that I had ever heard. I was convinced they were going to blow up, but just before I unplugged them, I noticed that the sound was changing in pitch and it had a rhythm to it, it was playing Jingle Bells! Well at least it was trying to play Jingle Bells, but the batteries or sound in it was not as good as it used to be so it sounded like a dieing cat squealing Jingle Bells. Thankfully I figured out how to turn the sound off because the lights are very pretty on the tree. This tree is super tiny, but super cute as it is just the right size for my apartment, it is not to big yet not to small, it is a nice addition for the holiday season.
So this week at school we finish up on Tuesday, when some of my students will be performing in the school Christmas extravaganza where there will be at least 15 acts and it will be about a 3 hour long ordeal. I am looking forward to it however and the kids are going to do great, I have every confidence in them. I will post pictures no worries! It is nice that I have so much to do as it makes it a little bit easier to be away from home. I still have been feeling a little sad lately as it has been hard to be away from my family, especially at Christmas. I will get to talk to them tonight however as it is the annual Busse/Sebo Christmas and this year it is being held at my parents house. It will be nice to see some family that I have not talked to in awhile. I am looking forward to being home next year for Christmas, no matter where I am or where I am working or going to school I am going to make sure that I make it home in time for Christmas to spend it with my family and to see Blair perform in church as Josee will not quite be old enough to do the Christmas Eve service. I miss seeing their faces and how they look when they open presents. Josee wasn't old enough to care what she got for Christmas when I left, but now she is, so I can't wait to see her face next year. I will be spending Christmas with my second family that I have made here in Romania, but that will never replace the awesome family that I have back home! Just think we will be together again before you know it! I can't wait!
Alright enough of the sad stuff, I have to figure out what I am going to do with my optional classes this week and plan for the few classes that I have to do this week, only 2 days of classes, most of which are going to be reserved for rehearsal which makes my job a lot easier! Here's hoping that it is a quick and painless week! I love and miss you all every single day and I can't wait to see you in a little over a half years time. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and that the good Lord continues to bless you over this holiday season. Have safe travels and enjoy the company of family, you never know how much you miss it until you do not have it for one or two holiday seasons. Take care and I send my love to you. Merry Christmas!